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  He created a picture of a feather in his mind, and he made sure this feather was unique. He created particular markings on the feather so he would know without any doubt that if he saw this feather, it had come to him through his intentional use of the law of attraction.

  Two days later, he was about to walk into a high-rise building on a street in New York City. He said he did not know why, but he just happened to look down. There at his feet, at the entrance to a high-rise building in New York City, was the feather! Not just any feather, but the exact feather he had imagined. It was identical to the picture he had created in his mind, with all of its unique markings- In that moment he knew, without a shred of doubt, that this

  was the law of attraction working in all its glory. He realized his amazing ability and power to attract something to himself through the power of his mind. With total faith, he has now moved onto creating much bigger things.

  David Schirmer


  People are amazed at how I line up parking spaces. I've done this right from when I first understood The Secret. I would visualize a parking space exactly where I wanted it, and 95 percent of the time it would be there for me and I would just pull straight in. Fifty percent of the time I'd lurvc to wait just a minute or two, and the person would pull out and I'd pull in. I do that all the time.

  Now you might understand why a person who says, "I always get parking spaces," gets them. Or why a person win) says, "1 am really lucky, 1 win things all the time," wins one thing after another, all the time. These people expect it. Begin to expect great things, and as you do, you will create your life in advance.

  You can use the law of attraction to create your whole life in advance, right down to the next thing you are doing today. Prentice Mulford, a teacher whose writings share so many insights into the law of attraction and how to use it, demonstrates how important it

  is to think your day in advance.

  "When you say to yourself, 'I am going to have a pleasant visit or a pleasant journey/ you are literally sending elements and forces ahead of your body that will arrange things to make your visit or journey pleasant. When before the visit or the journey or the shopping trip you are in a bad humor, or fearful or apprehensive of something unpleasant, you are sending unseen agencies ahead of you which will make some kind of unpleasantness. Our thoughts, or in other words, our state of mind, is ever at work 'fixing up' things good or bad in advance."

  Prentice Mulford wrote those words in the 1870s. What a pioneer! You can see clearly how important it is to think in advance every event in every day. You will no doubt have experienced the oppo-

  site of thinking your day in advance, and one of the repercussions of that is having to rush and hurry.

  If you are rushing or hurrying, know that those thoughts and actions are based in fear (fear of being late) and you are "fixing up" bad things ahead for you. As you continue to rush, you will attract one bad thing after another into your path. In addition to that, the law of attraction is "fixing up" more future circumstances that will cause you to rush and hurry. You must stop and move yourself off that frequency. Take a few moments and shift yourself, if you don't want to summon bad things to you.

  Many people, particularly in Western societies, chase "time" and complain that they don't have enough time. Well, as someone says that they don't have enough time, so it must be by the law of attraction. If you have been chasing your tail with thoughts of not having enough time, from now on declare emphatically, "1 have more than enough time," and change your life.

  You can also turn waiting into a powerful time to create your future life. Next time you are in a situation where you are waiting, seize that time and imagine having all the things you want. You can do this anywhere, anytime. Turn every life situation into a positive one!

  Make it a daily habit to determine every event in your life in advance, through your thoughts. Set the Universal forces ahead of you in everything you do and everywhere you go, by thinking the way you want it to go ;';•; advance. Then you are creating your life intentionally.

  Like Aladdin's Genie, the laze of attraction grants our every command.

  The Creative Process helps yon create what you want in three simple steps: ask, believe, and receive.

  Asking the Universe for what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.

  Believing involves acting, speaking, and thinking as though you have already received what you've asked for. When you emit the frequency of having received it, the law of attraction uwves people, events, and circumstances for you to receive.

  Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once your desire has manifested. Feeling good now puts you on the frequency of what you want.

  To lose weight, don't focus on "losing weight." Instead, focus on your perfect weight. Feel the feelings of your perfect weight, and you will summon it to you.

  It takes no time for the Universe to manifest what you want. It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars.

  • Starting with something small, like a cup of coffee or parking spaces, is an easy way to experience the law of attraction in action. Powerfully intend to attract something small. As you experience the power you have to attract, you will move on to creating much bigger things.

  • Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.


  A lot of people fed stuck or imprisoned or confined by their current circumstances. Whatever your circumstances right now, that is only your current reality, and current reality will begin to change as a result of beginning to use The Secret.

  Your current reality or your current life is a result of the thoughts you have been thinking. All of that will totally change as you begin to change your thoughts and your feelings.

  "That a man can change himself... and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought."


  When you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thinking. Every time you look inside your mail expecting to see a bill, guess what —it'll be there. Each day you go out dreading the bill! You're never expecting anything great. You're thinking debt, you're expecting debt. So debt must show up so you won't think you're crazy. And every day you confirm your thought: Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Why? Because you expected debt to be there. So it showed up, because the law of attraction is always being obedient to your thoughts. Do yourself a favor— expect a check!

  Expectation is a powerful attractive force, because it draws things to you. As Bob Proctor says, "Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life." Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want. What do you expect now?


  Most people look at their current state of affairs and they say, "This is who 1 am." That's not who you are. That's who you were. Let's say for instance that you don't have enough money in your bank account, or you don't have the relationship that you want, or your health and fitness aren't up to par. That's not who you are; that's the residual outcome of your past thoughts and actions. So

  we're constantly living in this residual, if you will, of the thoughts and actions we've taken in the past. When you look at your current state of affairs and define yourself by that, then you doom yourself to have nothing more than the same in future.

  "All that we are is a result of what we have thought."

  1 would like to share a process with you that came from the great teacher Neville Goddard in a lecture he delivered in 1954, entitled "The Pruning Shears of Revision." This process has had a profound effect on my life. Neville recommends at the end of every day, before you go to sleep, to think th
rough the events of the day. If any events or moments did not go the way you wanted, replay them in your mind in a way that thrills you. As you recreate those events in your mind exactly as you want, you are cleaning up your frequency from the day and you are emitting a new signal and frequency for tomorrow. You have intentionally created new pictures for your future. It is never too late to change the pictures.

  Dr. Joe vitale

  What can you do right now to begin to turn your life around? The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for. This shifts your energy and starts to shift your thinking. Whereas before this exercise you might be focusing on what you don't have, your complaints, and your problems, you go in a different direction when you do this exercise. You start to be grateful for all the things that you feel good about.

  "If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into closer harmony with the creative energies of the Universe, consider it well, and you will see that it is true."


  Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life.

  Dr. John Gray


  Every man knows that when his wife is

  appreciating him for the little things that he does, what does he want to do? He wants to do more. It's always about appreciation. It pulls things in. It attracts support.


  Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about.


  Gratitude has been such a powerful exercise for me. Every morning I get up and say "Thank you." Every morning, when my feet hit the floor, "Thank you." And then I start running through what Tin grateful for, as I'm brushing my teeth and doing the things I do in the morning. And I'm not just thinking about them and doing some rote routine. I'm putting it out there and I'm feeling the feelings of gratitude.

  The day we filmed James Ray sharing his powerful exercise of gratitude is one I will never forget. From that day on, 1 made James's process my life. Every morning, 1 do not get out bed until 1 have felt the feelings of gratitude for this brand new day and all I am grateful for in my life. Then as 1 get out of bed, when one foot touches the ground I say, "Thank," and "you" as my second foot touches the ground. With each step 1 take on my way to the bath-

  room, I say "Thank you." I continue to say and feel "Thank you" as I am showering and getting ready. By the time I am ready for the day, 1 have said "Thank you" hundreds of times.

  As 1 do this, 1 am powerfully creating my day and all that it will contain. 1 am setting my frequency for the day and intentionally declaring the way 1 want my day to go, rather than stumbling out of bed and letting the day take control of me. There is no more powerful way to begin your day than this. You are the creator of your life, and so begin by intentionally creating your day!

  Gratitude was a fundamental part of the teachings of all the great avatars throughout history. In the book that changed my life, The Science of Getting Rich, written by Wallace Wattles in 1910, gratitude is its longest chapter. Every teacher featured in The Secret uses gratitude as part of his or her day. Most of them begin their day with thoughts and feelings of gratitude.

  Joe Sugarman, a wonderful man and successful entrepreneur, watched the film The Secret and contacted me. He told me his favorite part was the gratitude process, and that his use of gratitude had contributed to all he had achieved in his life. With all the success Joe has attracted to himself, he continues to use gratitude every day, even for the smallest things. When he gets a parking space he always says and feels, "Thank you." Joe knows the power of gratitude and all it has brought to him, and so gratitude is his way of life.

  With all that 1 have read and with all that 1 have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude stands above eve-

  any thing else. If you only do one thing with the knowledge of The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life.


  As soon as you start to feel different about what you already have, you will start to attract more of the good things. More of the things you can be grateful for. You could look around and say, "Well, 1 don't have the car 1 want. I don't have the house I want. I don't have the spouse I want. I don't have the health I want." Whoa! Back up, back up! Those are all the things you don't want. Focus on what you already have that you're grateful for. And it might be that you have the eyes to read this. It might be the clothes that you have. Yes, you might prefer something else and you might get something else pretty soon, if you start feeling grateful for what you have.

  "Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude."

  It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have. Why? Because the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are all negative emotions. Whether it is jealousy, resentment, dissatisfaction, or feelings of "not enough," those feelings cannot bring you what you want.

  They can only return to you more of what you do not want. Those negative emotions are blocking your own good coming to you. If you want a new car but you are not grateful for the car you have, that will be the dominant frequency you are sending out.

  Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never-ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them. You will have locked into the frequency of gratitude and all good things will be yours.

  "The daily practice of gratitude is one of the conduits by which your wealth will come to




  I think everybody goes through times when they say, "Things aren 't working right," or, "Things are going bad." Once, when there were some things going on in my family, I found a rock, and I just sat holding it. I took this rock, I stuck it in my pocket, and I said, "Every time I touch this rock I'm going to think of something

  that I'm grateful for." So every morning when [get up in the morning, I pick it up off the dresser, I put it in my pocket, and I go through the things that I'm grateful for. At night, what do 1 do? I empty my pocket, and there it is again.

  I've had some amazing experiences with this idea. A guy from South Africa saw me drop it. He asked, "What is that?" I explained it to him, and he started calling it a gratitude rock. Two weeks later I got an email from him, in South Africa. And he said, "My son is dying from a rare disease. It's a type of hepatitis. Would you send me three gratitude rocks?" They were just ordinary rocks I found off the street, so I said, "Sure." I had to make sure that the rocks were very special, so I went out to the stream, picked out the right rocks, and sent them off to him.

  Four or five months later I get an email from him. He said, "My son's better, lie's doing terrific." And he said, "But you need to know something. We've sold over a thousand rocks at ten dollars apiece as gratitude rocks, and we've raised all this money for charity. Thank you very much."

  So it's very important to have an "attitude of gratitude."

  The great scientist Albert Einstein revolutionized the way we view time, space, and gravity. From his poor background and poor beginnings, you would have thought it impossible for him to achieve all that he did. Einstein knew a great deal of The Secret, and he said, "Thank you" hundreds of times each day. He thanked all

  the great scientists who had preceded him for their contributions, which had enabled him to learn and achieve even more in his work, and eventually become one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived.