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The Secret Page 12

  ing love, and as you emit that magnificent frequency, it will return to you a hundred-fold.

  Praising and blessing dissolves all negativity, so praise and bless your enemies. If you curse your enemies, the curse will come back to harm you. If you praise and bless them you will dissolve all negativity and discord, and the love of the praising and blessings will return to you. As you praise and bless, you will feel yourself shift into a new frequency with the feedback of good feelings.


  Most of the leaders in the past missed the great part of The Seeret, which is to empower mid share with others.

  This is the best time to have ever been alive in history. It's the first time we've ever had the power to gain knowledge at our fingertips.

  With this knowledge you are becoming aware—of the truth of the world, and yourself. My greatest insights into The Secret on the subject of the world came from the teachings of Robert Collier, Prentice Mulford, Charles Haanel, and Michael Bernard Beckwith. With that understanding came total freedom. 1 truly hope that you can come to the place of that same freedom. If you can, then through your existence and the power of your thoughts, you will bring the greatest good to this world and to the future of all humankind.

  • What you resist, you attract, because you are powerfully focused on it with emotion. To change anything, go within and emit a new signal with your thoughts and feelings.

  • You cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As you focus on the ivorld's negative events, you not only add to them, but you also bring more negative things into your own life.

  • Instead of focusing on the world's problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education, and peace.

  • We will never run out of good things because there's more than enough to go around for everyone. Life is meant to be abundant.

  • You have the ability to tap into the unlimited supply through your thoughts and feelings and bring it into your experience.

  • Praise and bless everything in the world, and you will dissolve negativity and discord and align yourself with the highest frequency—love.


  When we look around us, even at our own bodies, what we see is the tip of the iceberg.


  Think of this for a moment. Look at your hand. It looks solid, but it's really not. If you put it under a proper microscope, you'd see a mass of energy vibrating.


  Even/thing is made up of the exact same thing, whether it's your hand, the ocean, or a star.

  Dr. Ben Johnson

  Everything is energy, and let me help you to understand that just a little bit. There's the Universe, our galaxy, our planet,

  mid then individuals, and then inside of this body are organ systems, then eells, then molecules, and then atoms. And then there is energy. So there are a lot of levels to think about, but everything in the Universe is energy.

  When I discovered The Secret, 1 wanted to know what science and physics understood in terms of this knowledge. What I found was absolutely amazing. One of the most exciting things about living in this time is that the discoveries of quantum physics and new science are in total harmony with the teachings of The Secret, and with what all the great teachers have known throughout history.

  I never studied science or physics at school, and yet when I read complex books on quantum physics I understood them perfectly because 1 wanted to understand them. The study of quantum physics helped me to have a deeper understanding of The Secret, on an energetic level. For many people, their belief is strengthened when th ey see the perfect correlation between the knowledge of The Secret and the theories of new science.

  Let me explain how you are the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe. In simple terms, all energy vibrates at a frequency. Being energy, you also vibrate at a frequency, and what determines your frequency at any time is whatever you are thinking and feeling. All the things you want are made of energy, and they are vibrating too. Everything is energy.

  Here is the "wow" factor. When you think about what you want, and you emit that frequency, you cause the energy of what you

  want to vibrate at that frequency and you bring it to You! As you focus on what you want, you are changing the vibration of the atoms of that thing, and you are causing it to vibrate to You. The reason you are the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe is because you have been given the power to focus your energy through your thoughts and alter the vibrations of what you are focused on, which then magnetically draws it to you.

  When you think about and feel those good things that you want, you have immediately tuned yourself to that frequency, which then causes the energy of all those things to vibrate to you, and they appear in your life. The law of attraction says that like attracts like. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want. Human beings manage their own magnetizing energy, because no one outside of them can think or feel for them, and it is thoughts and feelings that create our frequencies.

  Almost one hundred years ago, without the benefit of all the scientific discoveries of the last hundred years, Charles Haanel knew how the Universe operated.

  "The Universal Mind is not only intelligence, but it is substance, and this substance is the attractive force which brings electrons together by the law of attraction so they form atoms; the atoms in turn are brought together by the same law and form molecules; molecules take

  objective forms and so we find that the law is the creative force behind every manifestation, not only of atoms, but of worlds, of the Universe, of everything of which the imagination can form any conception."


  / don't care what city you're living in, you've got enough poioer in your body, potential power, to illuminate the whole city for nearly a week.

  "To become conscious of this power is to become a 'live wire.' The Universe is the live wire. It carries power sufficient to meet every situation in the life of every individual. When the individual mind touches the Universal Mind, it receives all its power."

  James Ray

  Most people define themselves by this finite body, but you 're not a finite body. Even under a microscope you 're an energy field. What we know about energy is this: You go to a quantum physicist and you say, "What creates the world?" And lie or she will say, "Energy." Well, describe energy.

  "OK, it can never be created or destroyed, it always urns, always lias been, everything that ever existed always exists, it's moving into form, through form and out of form." You go to a theologian and ask the question, "What created the Universe?" And he or she will say, "God." OK, describe Cod. "Ahvays was and always has been, never can be created or destroyed, all that ever was, always will be, always moving into form, through form and out of form." You see, it's the same description, just different terminology.

  So if you think you're this "meat suit" running around, think again. You're a spiritual being! You're an energy field, operating in a larger energy field.

  How does all of this make you a spiritual being? For me, the answer to that question is one of the most magnificent parts of the teachings of The Secret. You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy just changes form. And that means You! The true essence of You, the pure energy of You, has always been and always will be. You can never not be.

  On a deep level, you know that. Can you imagine not being? Despite everything you have seen and experienced in your life, can you imagine not being? You cannot imagine it, because it is impossible. You are eternal energy.

  at the same time. If everything is the One Universal Mind, and the whole of it exists everywhere, then it is all in You!


  Quantum mechanics confirms it. Quantum cosmology confirms it. That the Universe essentially emerges from thought and all of this matter around us is just precipitated thought. Ulti
mately ive are the source of the Universe, and when we understand that power directly by experience, we can start to exercise our authority and begin to achieve more and more. Create anything. Know anything from within the field of our own consciousness, ivhich ultimately is Universal consciousness that runs the Universe.

  So depending upon how we use that power, positively or negatively, that's the kind of body in terms of health, that's the kind of environment we create. So we are the creators, not only of our own destiny, but ultimately we are the creators of Universal destiny. We are the creators of the Universe. So there's no limit, really, to human potential. It's the degree to which we recognize those deep dynamics and exercise them, the degree to ivhich we harness our power. And that really has to do again with the level at which we think.

  Let me help you understand what that means tor you. It means that every possibility already exists. All knowledge, all discoveries, and all inventions of the future, are in the Universal Mind as possibilities, waiting for the human mind to draw them forth. Every creation and invention in history has also been drawn from the Universal Mind, whether the person consciously knew that or not.

  How do you draw from it? You do it through your awareness of it, and by using your wonderful imagination. Look around you for needs waiting to be filled. Imagine if we had a great invention to do this, or imagine if we had a great invention to do that. Look for the needs, and then imagine and think their fulfilment into being. You don't have to work out the discovery or the invention. The Supreme Mind holds that possibility. All you have to do is hold your mind on the end result and imagine filling the need, and you will call it into being. As you ask and feel and believe, you will receive. There is an unlimited supply of ideas waiting for you to tap into and bring forth. You hold everything in your consciousness.

  Some of the greatest teachers and avatars described the Universe in the same way as Dr. Hagelin, by saying that all that exists is the One Universal Mind, and there is nowhere that the One Mind is not. It exists in everything. The One Mind is all intelligence, all wisdom, and all perfection, and it is everything and everywhere

  John Assaraf

  We're all connected. We just don't see it. There isn't an "out there" and un "in here." Everything in the Universe is connected. It is just one energy field.

  So whichever way you look at it, the result is still the same. We are One. We are all connected, and we are all part of the One Energy Field, or the One Supreme Mind, or the One Consciousness, or the One Creative Source. Call it whatever you want, but we are all One.

  If you think about the law of attraction now, in terms of us all being One, you will see its absolute perfection.

  You will understand why your negative thoughts about someone else will return to harm only You. We are One! You cannot be harmed unless you call harm into existence by emitting those negative thoughts and feelings. You have been given free will to choose, but when you think negative thoughts and have negative teelings, vou are separating yourself from the One and All Good. Think about every negative emotion there is and you will discover that every one of them is based in fear. They come from thoughts of separation and from seeing yourself as separate from another.

  Competition is an example of separation. First, when you have thoughts of competition, it is coming from a lack mentality, as you are saying there is a limited supply. You are saying there is

  not enough for everybody, so we have to compete and fight to get things. When you compete you can never win, even if you think you won. By the law of attraction, as you compete you will attract many people and circumstances to compete against You in every single aspect of your lite, and in the end you will lose. We are all One, and so when you compete, you compete against You. You have to get competition out of your mind, and become a creative mind. Focus only on your dreams, your visions, and take all competition out of the equation.

  The Universe is the Universal supply and supplier of everything. Everything comes from the Universe, and is delivered to you through people, circumstances, and events, by the law of attraction. Think of the law of attraction as the law of supply. It is the law that enables you to draw from the infinite supply. When you emit the perfect frequency of what you want, the perfect people, circumstances, and events will be attracted to you and delivered!

  It is not people who are giving you the things you desire. If you hold that false belief, you will experience lack, because you arc-looking at the outside world and people as the supply. The true-supply is the invisible field, whether you call that the Universe, the Supreme Mind, Cod, infinite Intelligence, or whatever else. Whenever you receive anything, remember that you attracted it to you by the law of attraction, and by being on the frequency and in harmony with the Universal Supply. The Universal Intelligence which pervades everything moved people, circumstances, and events to give that thing to you, because that is the law.


  We often get distracted with this tiling called our body and our physical being. That just holds your spirit. And your spirit is so big it fills a room. You are eternal life. You are God manifested in human form, made to perfection.

  Michael Bernard Beckwith

  Scripturally we could sai/ that we are the image and the likeness of God. We could say we are another way that the Universe is becoming conscious of itself. We could say that we are the infinite field of unfolding possibility. All oftlwt would be true.

  Maybe you've created things to this point that are wonderful and worthy of you, and maybe you luiven't. The question I'd ask you to consider is, "Are the results you have in your life what you really want? And are they worthy of you?" If they're not worthy of you, then wouldn't now be the right time to change those? Because you have the power to do that.

  "All power is from within and therefore under our control."

  "Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable."

  You are God in a physical body. You are Spirit in the flesh. You are Eternal Lite expressing itself as You. You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are all wisdom. You are all intelligence. You are perfection. You are magnificence. You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of You cm this planet.

  James Ray

  Every tradition has told you that you were created in the image and likeness of the creative source. That means tlwt you have God potential and power to create your world, and you are.

  Jack Can field

  A lot of people feel like they're victims in life, and they'll often point to past events, perhaps growing up with an abusive parent or in a dysfunctional family. Most psychologists believe that about 85 percent of families are dysfunctional, so all of a sudden you're not so unique.

  My parents were alcoholics. My dad abused me. My mother divorced him when I was six. . . . I mean, that's almost everybody's story in some form or not. The real question is, what are you going to do now? What do you choose now? Because you can either keep focusing on that,

  or you can focus on what you want. And when people start focusing on what they want, what they don't want falls away, and what they want expands, and the other part disappears.

  "A person who sets his or her mind on the dark side of life, who lives over and over the misfortunes and disappointments of the past, prays for similar misfortunes and disappointments in the future. If you will see nothing but ill luck in the future, you are praying for such ill luck and will surely get it."

  If you go back over your life and focus on the difficulties from the past, you are just bringing more difficult circumstances to You now. Let it all go, no matter what it is. Do it for you. If you hold a grudge or blame someone for something in the past, you are only harming You. You are the only one who can create the life you deserve. As you deliberately focus on what you want, as you begin to radiate good feelings, the law of attraction will respond. All you have to do is make a start, and as you do, you will unleash the magic.