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sense of humor, you appreciate how supportive they are. And what you'll find is that when you focus on appreciating and acknowledging their strengths, that's what you'll get more of, and the problems will fade away.
Lisa Nichols
Oftentimes you give others the opportunity to create your happiness, and many times they fail to create it the way you want it. Why? Because only one person can be in charge of your joy, of your bliss, and that's you. So even your parent, your child, your spouse— they do not have the control to create your luippiuess. They simply have the opportunity to share in your happiness. Your joy lies within you.
All your joy is on the frequency of love—the highest and the most powerful frequency of all. You can't hold love in your hand. You can only feel it in your heart. It is a state of being. You can see evidence of love being expressed through people, but love is a feeling, and you are the only one that can radiate and emit that feeling of love. Your ability to generate feelings of love is unlimited, and when you love you are in complete and utter harmony with the Universe. Love everything you can. Love everyone you can. Focus only on things you love, feel love, and you will experience that love and joy coming back to you—multiplied! The law of attraction must send you back more things to love. As you radiate love, it will appear as though the entire Universe is doing everything for you, moving every joyful thing to you, and moving every good person to you. In truth, it is.
• When you want to attract a relationship, make sure your thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings don't contradict your desires.
• Your job is you. Unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to give anybody.
• Treat yourself with love mid respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect.
• When you feel bad about yourself you block the love and instead you attract more people and situations that will continue to make you feel bad about you.
• Focus on the qualities you love about yourself and the law of attraction will show you more great things about you.
• To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not your complaints. When you focus on the strengths, you will get more of them.
Dr. John kagelin
Our body is really the product of our thoughts. We're beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of thoughts and emotions actually determines the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies.
Dr. |ohn Demartini
We've known in the healing arts of a placebo effect. A placebo is something that supposedly has no impact and no effect on the body, like a sugar pill.
You tell the patient that this is just as effective, and what happens is the placebo sometimes has the same effect, if not greater effect, than the medication that is supposed to be
designed for that effect. They have found out that the human mind is the biggest factor in the healing arts, sometimes more so than the medication.
As you are becoming aware of the magnitude of The Secret, you will begin to see more clearly the underlying truth of certain occurrences in humankind, including in the area of health. The placebo effect is a powerful phenomenon. When patients think and truly believe the tablet is a cure, they will receive what they believe, and they will be cured.
If somebody is in a situation where they're sick and they have an alternative to try to explore wlmt is in their mind creating it, versus using medicine, if it's an acute situation that could really bring death to them, then obviously the medicine is a wise thing to do, while they explore what the mind is about. So you don't want to negate medicine. Every form of healing has a place.
Healing through the mind can work harmoniously with medicine. If pain is involved, then medicine can help to eliminate that pain, which then allows the person to be able to focus with great force on health. "Thinking perfect health" is something anybody can do privately within themselves, no matter what is happening around them.
Lisa Nichols
The Universe is a masterpiece of abundance. When you open yourself to feel the abundance of the Universe, you'll
experience the wonder, joy, bliss, and all the great things that the Universe lias for you—good health, good wealth, good nature. But when you shut yourself off with negative thoughts, you'll feel the discomfort, you'll feel the aches, you'll feel the pain, and you'll feel as if every day is painful to get through.
Dr. Ben Johnson
We've got a thousand different diagnoses and diseases out there. They're just the weak link. They're all the result of one thing: stress. If you put enough stress on the chain and you put enough stress on the system, then one of the links breaks.
All stress begins with one negative thought. One thought that went unchecked, and then more thoughts came and more, until stress manifested. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative think-ing/ and it all began with one little negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it ... with one small positive thought and then another.
Our physiology creates disease to give us feedback, to let us know we have an unbalanced perspective, or we're not being loving and grateful. So the body's signs and symptoms are not something terrible.
Dr. Demartini is telling us that love and gratitude will dissolve all negativity in our lives, no matter what form it has taken. Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles. And love and gratitude can dissolve any disease.
Michael Bernard Beckwith
The question frequently asked is, "When a person has manifested a disease in the body temple or some kind of discomfort in their life, can it be turned around through the poioer of 'right' thinking?" And the answer is absolutely, yes.
Cathy Goodman, a personal Story
/ was diagnosed with breast cancer. I truly believed in rin/ heart, with my strong faith, that I was already healed. Each day I would say, "Thank you for my healing." On and on and on I went, ''Thank you for my healing." I believed in my heart I was healed. I saw myself as if cancer 'was never in my body.
One of the things I did to heal myself wan to watch very funny movies. That'* all ive would do was just laugh, laugh, and laugh. We couldn't afford to put any stress in my life, because we knew stress was one of the worst things you can do while you're trying to heal yourself
From the time I was diagnosed to the time I was healed was approximately three mouths. And that's without any radiation or chemotherapy.
This beautiful and inspiring story from Cathy Goodman demonstrates three magnificent powers in operation: The power of gratitude to heal, the power of faith to receive, and the power of laughter and joy to dissolve disease in our bodies.
Cathy was inspired to include laughter as part of her healing, after hearing about the story of Norman Cousins.
Norman had been diagnosed with an "incurable" disease. The doctors told him he had just a few months to live. Norman decided to heal himself. For three months all he did was watch funny movies and laugh, laugh, laugh. The disease left his body in those three months, and the doctors proclaimed his recovery a miracle.
As he laughed, Norman released all negativity, and he released the disease. Laughter really /s the best medicine.
Dr. Ben Johnson
We all come with a built-in basic program, [t's called "self-healing." You get a wound, it grows back together. You get a bacterial infection, the immune system comes and takes care of those bacteria, and heals it up. The immune system is made to heal itself.
Disease cannot live in a body that's in a healthy emotional state. Your body is easting off millions ofeells every second, and it's also creating millions of new cells at the same time.
Dr. John Hagelin
In fact, parts of our body are literally r
eplaced every day. Other parts take a few months, other parts a couple of years But within a feu1 years we each have a brand new physical body.
If our entire bodies are replaced within a few years, as science has proven, then how can it be that degeneration or illness remains in our bodies for years? It can only be held there by thought, by observation of the illness, and by the attention given to the illness.
Think thoughts of perfection. Illness cannot exist in a body that has harmonious thoughts. Know there is only perfection, and as you observe perfection you must summon that to you. Imperfect thoughts are the cause of all humanity's ills, including disease, poverty, and unhappiness. When we think negative thoughts we are cutting ourselves off from our rightful heritage. Declare and intend, "1 think perfect thoughts. 1 see only perfection. 1 am perfection."
I banished every bit of stiffness and laek of agility right out of my body. I focused on seeing my body as flexible and as perfect as a child's, and every stiff and aching joint vanished. 1 literally did this overnight.
You can see that beliefs about aging are all in our minds. Science explains that we have a brand new body in a very short time. Aging is limited thinking, so release those thoughts from your consciousness and know that your body is only months old, no matter how many birthdays you have chalked up in your mind. For your next birthday, do yourself a favor and celebrate it as your first birthday! Don't cover your cake with sixty candles, unless you want to summon aging to you. Unfortunately, Western society has become fixated on age, and in reality there is no such thing.
You can think your way to the perfect state of health, the perfect body, the perfect weight, and eternal youth. You can bring it into being, through your consistent thinking of perfection.
If you have a disease, and you're focusing on it, and you're talking to people about it, you're going to create more disease cells. See yourself living in a perfectly healthy body. Let the doctor look after the disease.
One of the things that people often do when they have an illness it talk about it all the time. That's because they're thinking about it al the time, so they're just verbalizing their thoughts. If you are feel
ing a little unwell, don't talk about it—unless you want more of it. Know that your thought was responsible and repeat as often as you can, "1 feel wonderful. 1 teel so good," and really feel it. If you are not feeling great and somebody asks you how you are feeling, just be grateful that that person has reminded you to think thoughts of feeling well. Speak only the words of what you want.
You cannot "catch" anything unless you think you can, and thinking you can is inviting it to you with your thought. You are also inviting illness if you are listening to people talking about their illness. As you listen you are giving all of your thought and focus to illness, and when you give all of your thought to something, you are asking for it. And you are certainly not helping them. You are adding energy to their illness. If you really want to help that person, change the conversation to good things, if you can, or be on your way. As you walk away, give your powerful thoughts and feelings to seeing that person well, and then let it go.
Lisa Nichols
Let's say you have two people, both stricken with something, but one chooses to focus on joy. One chooses to live in possibility and hopefulness, focusing on all the reasons why she should be joyful and grateful. Then you have the second person. Same diagnosis, but the second chooses to focus on the disease, the pain, and the "woe is me."
Bob Doyle
When people are completely focused on ivhat's wrong and their symptoms, they will perpetuate it. The healing will not
occur until they shift their attention from being sick to being well. Because that's the laio of attraction.
"Let us remember, so far as we can, that every unpleasant thought is a bad thing literally put in the body."
Happier thoughts lead to essentially a happier biochemistry. A happier, healthier body. Negative thoughts and stress have been shown to seriously degrade the body and the functioning of the brain, because it's our thoughts and emotions that are continuously reassembling, reorganizing, re-creating out-body.
No matter what you have manifested in regards to your body, you can change it—inside and out. Start thinking happy thoughts and start being happy. Happiness is a feeling state of being. You have your finger on the "feeling happy" button. Press it now and keep your finger pressed down on it firmly, no matter what is happening around you.
Dr. Ben Johnson
Remove physiological stress from the body, and the body does what it was designed to do. It heals itself.
You don't have to fight to get rid of a disease. Just the simple process of letting go of negative thoughts will allow your natural state ot health to emerge within you. And your body will heal itself.
I've seen kidneys regenerated. I've seen cancer dissolved. I've seen eyesight improve and come hack.
I had been wearing redding glasses tor about three years before I discovered The Secret. One night as 1 was tracing the knowledge of The Secret back through the centuries, I found myself reaching for my glasses to see what I was reading. And 1 stopped in my tracks. The realization of what I had done struck me like a lightning bolt.
I had listened to society's message that eyesight diminishes with age. 1 had watched people stretch their arms out so that they could read something. I had given my thought to eyesight diminishing with age, and 1 had brought it to me. 1 hadn't done it deliberately, but / had done it. I knew that what 1 had brought into being with thoughts I could change, so 1 immediately imagined myself seeing as clearly as when 1 was twenty-one years old. 1 saw myself in dark restaurants, on planes, and at my computer, reading clearly and effortlessly. And 1 said over and over, "1 can see clearly, 1 can see clearly." 1 felt the feelings of gratitude and excitement for having clear vision. In three days my eyesight had been restored, and 1 now do not own reading glasses. / can sec clearly.
When 1 told Dr. Ben Johnson, one of the teachers from The Secret, about what 1 had done, he said to me, "Do you realize what had
to happen to your eyes for you to do that in three days?" 1 replied, "No, and thank goodness 1 didn't know, so that thought was not in my head! 1 just knew 1 could do it, and that 1 could do it fast." (Sometimes less information is better!)
Dr. Johnson eliminated an "incurable" disease from His own body, so the restoration of my eyesight seemed like nothing to me, compared with his own miracle story. In fact, I expected my eyesight to come back overnight, so three days was no miracle in my mind. Remember, time and size do not exist in the Universe. It is as easy to heal a pimple as a disease. The process is identical; the difference is in our minds. So if you have attracted some affliction to you, reduce it in your mind to the size of a pimple, let go of all negative thoughts, and then focus on the perfection of health.
/ always say that incurable means "curable from within."
1 believe and know that nothing is incurable. At some point in time, every so-called incurable disease has been cured. In my mind, and in the world 1 create, "incurable" does not exist. There is plenty of room for you in this world, so come join me and all who are here. It is the world where "miracles" are everyday occurrences. It is a world overflowing with total abundance, where all good things exist now, within you. Sounds like heaven, doesn't it? It is.
You can change your life and you am heal yourself.
morris Goodman
My story begins on March 10, 1981. This day really changed my whole life. It was a day I'll never forget. I crashed an airplane. I ended up in the hospital completely paralyzed. My spinal cord was crushed, I broke the first and second cervical vertebrae, my swallowing reflex was destroyed, 1 couldn't eat or drink, my diaphragm was destroyed, I couldn't breathe. All I could do was blink my ey
es. The doctors, of course, said I'd be a vegetable the rest of my life. All I'd be able to do is blink my eyes. That's the picture they saw of me, but it didn't matter what they thought. The main thing was what I thought. I pictured myself being a normal person again, walking out of that hospital.